General Operating Permit (GP-5)

What Industry Wants

Required for air emissions from natural gas compressor stations or processing facilities that qualify as a minor source.

Opportunities for Public Engagement

General permits do not require any public comment period, so there are no engagement opportunities.


People Involved

  • Operators and PADEP officials.


  • PADEP has 30 days to respond to a GP application.


Opportunities for Improvement

Potentially petitioning for the implementation of a public comment period.

Discussion of Step

A GP-5 application must include general info about the operator and the site, facility info, land use info, source specific info, emissions data, and proof of municipal and county notifications.

The owner or operator must notify the local municipality prior to submitting an application, submit annual compliance certifications and emissions data to PADEP by March 1st each year, submit performance test results for each applicable source, and maintain all records for at least five years.

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