Type of Protective Zoning: Landscaping, Site Maintenance, and Other Aesthetic Standards

Adopting zoning language that includes specific standards for how something like a gas well-pad should be landscaped is another type of protective language that can help protect your neighborhood. By requiring gas companies to take steps to prevent fracking infrastructure site from becoming an eyesore, you can take a small but significant step towards preserving the nature of a neighborhood and the quality of life for your community.

Places that use visual and aesthetic landscaping standards as a type of protective language:

In Bell Acres and Forest Hills the ordinance reads:

(d.) Screening/Visual Impact.

  1. The Well Pad and any other Accessory uses within the Well Site shall be located, designed and constructed to minimize the removal of trees and shrubs, protect all natural resources, and minimize the amount of surface disturbance. Care shall be taken to maintain as much natural screening as possible, leaving existing trees and respective root systems undisturbed to the extent possible.
  2. Operator shall not clear brush or trees by  way of burning, and shall chip, grind or remove all brush, trees, and tree stumps from properties it clears for development  purposes.
  3. The location and design of structures and site improvements shall be integrated with the natural color, form and texture of the surrounding area. All permanent facilities  shall be painted neutral colors to blend in with the surrounding area.

The Peters Twp.section on unconventional gas includes that:

U. The Township may, at its sole discretion, require permanent fencing [...] and or landscaping to buffer the post-drilling facilities or gas production equipment from adjacent properties. All on-site gas production equipment shall comply with Section 304, I Dimensional Tables – Table 3 Residential District Dimensions; Zoning Ordinance.


X.The public street entrance at the property on which a drill site is located shall at all times be kept free of mud, debris, trash or other waste materials. Refer to Peters Township Code of Ordinances, Chapter 21 Streets and Sidewalks, Part 3 Unlawful Deposits.

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