Fractracker mobile app

Using a mobile app by FracTracker you can document and explore drilling activity near you. 

The oil and gas industry – from its wells to pipelines to refineries – has a variety of ways of impacting the communities and environment that surround its infrastructure. The app by FracTracker Alliance helps you document, verify, and share it. 
The FracTracker app is a free tool for reporters, residents, researchers, and groups concerned about many aspects of the oil and gas industry and its effects. Learn more about the features at

Features include:
  • Find wells, pipelines, & user reports near you on the map
  • View recent reports from other app users
  • Submit reports & photos about nearby activity & issues you witness
  • Report on many aspects of the industry
  • Classify reports by senses impacted, such as from noise or odors 
  • Customize your profile & modify your reports

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